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Sunday, 13 September 2015

Eastern Railway Recruitment 2015 – 525 Act Apprentice LD:28-9

Eastern Railway Recruitment 2015 – 525 Act Apprentice Posts:
Total No.of Posts: 525
Name of the Posts: Act Apprentice
I. Name of the Trade:
1. Fitter: 228 Posts
2. Machinist: 18 posts

3. Painter (G): 60 posts
4. Welder (G & E ): 75 posts
5. Turner: 18 posts
6. Electrician: 95 posts
7. Refrigeration & Air conditioning (Mech): 03 posts
8. Wireman: 28 posts
II. Name of the Category:
i. UR: 265 posts
ii. SC: 78 posts
iii. ST: 39 posts
iv. OBC: 143 posts
Age Limit: Candidates age should be between 15 to 24 years as on 01-07-2015. 05 years of age relaxation is applicable for SC/ ST, 03 years for OBC, 10 years for PH, 15 years for PH (SC/ ST), 13 years for PH (OBC) candidates & others as per rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Matriculation (Matriculate or 10th Class in 10+2 examination system) with 50% marks on average with ITI certificate from an institute affiliated to NCVT compulsory in relevant trade.
Examination Fee: Candidates have to pay Rs. 40/- (No fee for SC/ ST/ Women/ Minorities/ Economically Backward Class Candidates) in the form of Indian Postal Order (IPO) in favour of FA&CAO, E.Rly, Kolkata payable to GPO/ Kolkata.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their application (A4 size paper duly filled in his own hand writing with ball point pen) in the prescribed format affixing recent Passport size photograph along with attested copies of all certificates duly attested by Gazetted Officer, self addressed envelope of size 11″ x 5″ with postal stamp of Rs. 5/- (Exemption for SC/ ST/ PH Candidates) through ordinary post to be addressed to Chief Works Manager, C & W Workshop, Eastern Railway, Liluah, Howrah, Pin – 711 204 on or before 28-09-2015 by 16:00 hrs. Superscribe the envelope as “Application for engagement of Act Apprentice”.
Last Date : 28-09

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