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Tuesday, 25 July 2017

ISRO Recruitment for Assistants & Upper Division Clerk (UDC) Last : 31-07-2017

ISRO Recruitment for Assistants & Upper Division Clerk (UDC) 

Indian Space Research Organisation [ISRO] of the Department of Space [DOS] is looking for
young, dynamic and dedicated candidates for filling-up the posts of ASSISTANTS (administrative support
staff)and Upper Division Clerks in the Level 4 of Pay Matrix in CCS (RP) Rules 2016, for filling-up in various
ISRO Centres/Units/Autonomous Bodies/CPSUs, across India.

Eligibility: Graduation in Arts/Commerce/ Management/ Science/ Computer Applications with First Class, as declared by the University.
Age limit : 18-26 on 31.07.2017 
Application Fee: 100

Selection Process:
The qualification prescribed

is the MINIMUM requirement and the same does not automatically make candidates eligible for written test.
Initial screening will be conducted to short-list candidates for taking-up written test. The written test will be
conducted on 15.10.2017 [Sunday] at nine venues viz., Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Dehradun,
Guwahati, Hyderabad, Kolkata, New Delhi and Thiruvananthapuram. However, the Organisation reserves
the right to cancel/change the written test venue and re-allot the candidates to any other test centre. The call
letters for written test to the short-listed candidates will be sent only by e-mail during the firstweek of October
2017. Based on the performance in the written test, candidates will be shortlisted for skill test, depending on the
number of vacancies notified, the schedule and venue of which will be notified. Those who secure minimum
50% marks each in both objective and descriptive type questions in the written test will be considered for short-listing for ‘Skill Test(Computer Literacy Test)’. Skill Test will be purely go-no-go basis and marks obtained in the
skill test shall not be considered for selection. The Skill Test shall be evaluated on a 100 points scale with
minimum 60% for qualification. The final selection will be done amongst qualified candidates, purely on the
scores obtained in the written test. From amongst candidates who qualify in the skill test with minimum 60%
marks, empanelment shall be done in the order of marks obtained in the written test, subject to number of
vacancies notified. In case, sufficient number of SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Ex-servicemen candidates are not available
for filling-up the vacancies reserved for these categories, relaxation will be extended to candidates belonging to
the respective category, to make good the short-fall.

Last : 31-07-2017

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